Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Tough Week for Sniffy Wiffy

You can't make too much of the whole Willow Facebook incident. She's 16; her throwing the word "faggot" around doesn't necessarily mean "I'm under an assumption that you prefer the company of your fellow men whilst in the boudoir." Hell, I'm 38 and I say "gay" about 60 times a day, and about 0 times do I mean it as "I'm under an assumption that you prefer the company of your fellow men whilst in the boudoir."


This little incident might make it more difficult for Sniffy to howl with fake unbrage the next time someone calls something or somebody "retarded" without them actually meaning "I am under the assumption that you have a generalized disorder that is characterized by significantly impaired cognitive functioning and deficits in two or more adaptive behaviors that appears before adulthood."

Now, of course this won't stop her, since she's removed from reality, and nobody in the non-FOX News media even gets a chance to approach her, much less call her on her bullshit, so.

Which brings me to my second, similar point - what with of all stations PBS editing Tina Fey so as to make Sniffy look good, it should be harder for her to continue her absurd claim of the left-wing, lamestream media being out to get her. A second ding for her this week.

And now it looks like her own state has actively rejected her, as it's just about official that her nemesis Murkowski has in fact beaten Sniffy protegé Joe Miller.

So it's still only hump day, and if she was in any way connected to a universe of reality that holds people accountable and even remotely has consequences, this would be a tough week for her. But of course you might as well accuse a unicorn of doing something wrong.

She must need a shoulder to cry on. Sniffs, come on over, baby. Get away from it all, let Xmastime make it all better. Twice.  No strings attached. Unless that's what you're into.

Nom nom nom!!!!

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