Saturday, December 04, 2010

Apollo 13

I've probably seen it 90,000 times but I still get  a little verklempt when Mission Control erupts when they hear from Apollo 13 upon re-entry (heh heh heh.)

Hey, fuck you - I know yall view me as a hero, but excuse me for being able to be touched with human emotions. Just because I bang every ass not covered in fur, I can't have feelings? Really?


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

whatever your mission is...just do it. if you don't have one, find one.

it never fails to amaze me that mankind and his governments will spend billions on exploration of space and nano technolog, and money is spent to help the less fortunate, to meet the most basic needs and promote health and pay for education, while reaching out to starving and corrupt nations, fighting for freedoms, protecting/guarding and and supporting hundreds of thousands via funding for special interest groups...

All of this AND abortion on demand. Watch now in horror as euthanasia of the old and physically and mentally disabled becomes the 'right' and decent thing to do 'for the sake of those fortunate enough to have been born healthy and 'normal'.

Anonymous said...