Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Speaking of my memoirs, I mentioned my best friend Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuf!!!'s older brother Wendell HERE:

My usual seat was with my best friend Mark Braxton and his older brother Wendell. Jesus, it’s hard to imagine a time when you could sit in one of those seats three across, isn’t it? Today I couldn’t fit my last three fucking Kam Sing deliveries in one of those seats. Ah well. Wendell was in high school when Mark and I were in first grade, so that meant that since we sat with him every day he had to make our lives hell. Wendell was also a really nice guy and none too bright, so unfortunately for him the best thing he could come up with throughout the entire year was to sit on the aisle end of the seat and then refuse to let us out until we were the last ones. Ooooooohhh Wendell, you’re scaring us!!! Dirk Young is in the back inventing reverse racial discrimination and this is the best Wendell can come up with.
Hey, here's a picture of him, furthest guy on the left. IE half the size of the other guys. Who, if I recall correctly, were all under 6 feet tall to begin with. Looking at Wendell now, he wasn't quite the behemoth he seemed to be to uBuuuuuuuf! & me in the 1st grade. Hmm. Also, how sexy was our track team?  Meow!  Wait, what?

Side note: the guy 2nd from the right is the older brother of HAROLD CORBIN!

1 comment:

The Gnat said...

And look at the package on the Samuel boy. White power.