Wednesday, December 22, 2010

For Fuck's Sake Already

I was gone for almost a week, so of course I missed my gf Sniffy Wiffy something fierce and sprinted back to her Facebook page the second I got home tonight.

From which I was directed to THIS.

I mean...really?  "Time to get tough with Iran"? Did somebody find 2008's boilerplate wastebasket? Can she possibly "write" anything more nebulous and stale?

Never mind how a major newspaper can give Sniffy space on their op-ed pages ("Oh no!  The woman from the TLC reality show is demanding we toughen up in the Middle East!"), but why would such 3rd-grade book-reporting be considered news or profound from ANYBODY now? Say, I hope they print my "Clinton got a BJ in OUR Oval Office!!!" op-ed. Fucking christ. Was there literally nothing else from anybody else to write anything to fill up some fucking space? An over-sized JUMBLE, for instance? I mean goddam, it's THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME!!!!

Hey newspaper jackoffs - anywhere, anytime, I can drop 4000 words on the birthday that Brothatime!! got a Tonka truck...MY birthday! Or trace my dick with a crayon, if you're just looking to fill up space.

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