Sunday, December 05, 2010

Hold the Fuck Up

Mark David Chapman has been a  fairly schlubby nutjob his whole life. And then, miraculously, he convinces this sweet piece of ass to marry him in 1979.

Now, I know that once a couple gets married the honeymoon is over, but having landed a woman clearly WAY out of his league, what does Chapman do that is repulsive to his new bride? Leaving his socks on the floor? Shitting with the door open? Nah.

He decides hey, why don't I go out and not only kill a Beatle, but THE Beatle?

I've had girlfriends before (take a moment, try to process this data.) And they hated me, in the end, for far lesser things than, gee, I dunno...shooting the single most important cultural figure presently on the planet to death. And yet this chick is still Mark David Chapman's wife! They're still married, and at least once a year they get an entire weekend together. That's right - the guy that shot John Lennon 30 years ago gets laid more than me. Wow.

What? A day doesn't go by you don't hear about a couple breaking up because she doesn't like the way he leaves his tooth brush on the sink, and yet this girl, after her husband shot John Lennon five times in the back, is like "oh, but you don't know him when it's only me, him, and that weird toilet in the middle of the cell! He's a sweetheart!"

I gotta say, props. I haven't had a girlfriend since 1995 - meanwhile, this dude kills John Lennon and still holds onto his woman. Respect.

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