Monday, December 06, 2010

Jason Garrett

One curious thing about the cycle of elections is the rewarding of failure. Two years ago, people flocked to the polls demanding a more progressive agenda. Last month the same people stayed home, "frustrated" and pissed off at the lack of progress since the last election.

In any other real world scenario, the people replacing those who failed would be inclined to crow that they were the people to actually succeed in pulling along the progressive agenda even further.

And yet because it's politics, the replacements see themselves as having been given a mandate to drag everything back in the exact OPPOSITE direction. This would be like Jason Garrett viewing his replacing a 7-9 Wade Phillips as a demand to go 2-14, when in actuality he's supposed to go 14-2.

And of course while I'm a leftist pinko commie fag liberal, the same thing can be argued from the other side at other intervals in history. Baffling. And not very sexy.

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