Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Jesus Probably Wouldn't Make It into The Tea Party

She rudely adds that “it’s a wonder you can talk at in this house and all its Shaker ways. You’d get better than a D in English if you were a fearing Baptist.” At these words, Robert’s heart almost stops beating. He has heard about the Baptists, who “put you in water to see how holy you were. . .If you didn’t come up, you got dead and your mortal soul went to Hell. But if you did come up, it was even worse. You had to be a Baptist.” - A Day No Pigs Would Die
As if a full-on Baptist vs. Methodist war wouldn't do enough to tickle my fanny, I hafta say I'm pretty thrilled to see one that just for shits 'n giggles totally implodes the Tea Party as well.

Yeah, George Bush's religion is socialist. Of course.

Fuck 'em all, let Larry Bird sort 'em out!

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