Thursday, December 02, 2010

John McCain. THE Worst Piece of Shit On Earth?

John "Shithead" McCain is still whining re: the repeal of DADT, and the Secretary of Defense HERE asks what I've been wondering forever - why are we so touchy-feely sensitive to the troops when it comes to serving with gay people, but don't really care about sending them to unwinnable, fake wars in deserts across the globe for decades at a time? Did the troops vote on the surge? Or the war itself? No, of course not, but now McCain wants them to vote on serving with gay people. I'm sure they didn't get a vote the last 7 times Congress cut Veteran's Benefits, but hey. Seems fair.

McCain's constituents must be even more amazingly fucking stupid than even I can consider. His theater is playing to someone, and he's showing no signs of pulling the curtain anytime soon.

New board game, Bigger Shitheads: people that vote for McCain, or people that vote for Joe Liebermann? ooh, this will be good!

1 comment:

kelsey anderson said...

hero my ass. He lost that distinction halfway threw his run for the presadint.