Monday, December 13, 2010

Lil' Gnat

Congrats to Xmastime buddy The Gant and Mrs. The Gnat for having a kid Saturday - curiously, on that same day Paul McCartney played JET on Saturday Night Live, which is the kid's initials. I had no idea The Gnat knew Macca, and I feel my own tip of the hat pales next to it, but hey.

I'm looking forward to indoctrinating the kid into Flaming Obama Youth Camp MWA-hahahahah!  :)

Anyways, here's me & The Gnat. Me - a cheshire cat with the tiger by the tail in my football jersey looking like I'm about to whoop some ass, The Gnat giggling. Lunch!

ps - that notebook at the bottom was my cherished orange one that I had written the title of every Ramones song on (thankfully, Brain Drain had not be released at that point.)

1 comment:

The Gnat said...

Thanks buddy. And you know, I do have more powerful musical connections than just having Geometry class with the guy who did the liner notes on the Happy Scene 7 inch.