Wednesday, December 22, 2010


The Honorable Shithead from Arizona throws one more log on the "I'm an Idiot!" fire re: DADT being repealed:
the Arizona Republican burst onto the floor from the cloakroom, hiked up his pants and stalked over to his friend Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) and Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-Ill.). Ignoring Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.), who had the floor, McCain hectored the men noisily for a few moments, waving his arms for emphasis.
"Hiked up his pants"? What the fuck was he doing - were his pants around his ankles while he beat off to the hopes of destroying a groups' civil liberties? That, to be honest, is pretty hardcore. Of course, since he's 326 years old he probably thought he was in the outhouse, so.

Of course since he's determined to leave the Senate looking as idiotic and dyspeptic as possible, it gets even better:
"Today's a very sad day. The commandant of the United States Marine Corps says when your life hangs on the line, you don't want anything distracting. . . . I don't want to permit that opportunity to happen and I'll tell you why. You go up to Bethesda Naval Hospital, Marines are up there with no legs, none. You've got Marines at Walter Reed with no limbs."
First of all, I refuse to believe that a gay dude is any more "distracted" by a dude than I am of a woman, and yet we let women openly serve. We don't make them tape their titties down, stuff socks in their pants and shut the fuck up.

But "distracting"? Really? When "your life hangs on the line," is it really that possible to be "distracted"? I mean, it's almost never that you hear a wounded soldier say "yeah, I dunno, once the bullets started whizzing by my head I couldn't stop wondering what the hell happened to Chuck after the first few episodes of Happy Days, and next thing you know my guts were on the ground. Geez, I'm such an IDIOT!"

Fucking hell. McCain claims to be of the military and loves talking about how amazing the troops are, and yet he seems to think they're the kids in Stand By Me sitting around the fire wondering what the fuck Goofy is.

Dickwad is insisting his career ends as ugly as a burrito from Taco Bell's burrito's does. "You've served honorably, but now you're a piece of a shit that's a pain in the ass."

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