Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Missing Persons Milk Carton

In the fall of 1996 I was living in Oxford, Mississippi, and one Saturday we loaded up a Winnebago with probably a reservoir's worth of Miller Lite and drove to the Liberty Bowl in Memphis to watch our Ole Miss Rebels play the vaunted Peyton Manning. Only 40 minutes or so away from Oxford this was a "home game" for Ole Miss, but I can still remember walking up the mezzanine and being hit with what looked like 100,000 orange #16 jerseys, and then we watched Manning completely destroy Ole Miss. I remember it felt like he had the ball the entire time and he was constantly knocking on the door for another touchdown, and I remember that team had the perfect trifecta of qb/rb/wr in Manning, Jay Graham and Peerless Price, who to me mirrored the Aikman/Emmitt/Irvin Cowboys. I remember thinking there's no way this team doesn't win a national championship, so you can imagine my surprise when they waited until they were through with Manning to win it all.

Anyways, apparently Peerless Price is missing. Hmm. 

Winning after Manning left of course is The Ewing Theory, which may be applied to my senior year baseball season when we won the Northern Neck District, which was the year after Brothatime!!, who was our best player, had graduated. Happy birthday, loser!

I don't know how to tie this into John Lennon, so.

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