Saturday, December 11, 2010


In my life:
I was born two weeks early, thus kicking off a lifetime of showing up early for no apparent reason. “I’m here!” I can picture myself sitting in a room with a well-creased newspaper and a big pack of sunflower seeds (or a chocolate cake the size of my torso) waiting to be born. As with later on throughout my life, I was of no real use to anybody, but I was on time at least.

“He’s here.”
“Great. What’s he doing?”
Matt Yglesias points out a few good things about Germans, and I agree with him on the punctuality one. Nobody's perfect, shit happens and none amongst us doesn't show up a few minutes late every now and again. But at least we have the decency to apologize profusely for our being late, acknowledging that we've rudely disrespected the value of someone else's time. Nothing drives me crazier than the asshole that not only is chronically late, but sees it as a charming character trait. I doubt they'd feel the same if I said "hey, you know me, I steal!  Whaddya gonna do?" And of course these are the motherfuckers that come strolling up 20 minutes late, while you're standing there freezing or whatever, and not only don't even pretend to give a shit they're late but then get pissed at YOU if you dare to suggest that they've been inconsiderate and have inconvenienced you. And then guess who are the very people that if YOU get there a minute late, huffing and puffing cause you were busting ass to get there, terrified you were going to be late, get bent out of shape for wasting THEIR time?

Grrrr. Fucking drives me crazy.

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