Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Sigh. Poor Lil' Sniffs.

Anyone with half a brain or less knows that eventually Bristol will hate Sniffy for forcing her into the whole Dancing with the Stars thing for some pubsnifflicity, but I can't say I could have imagined it was because Sniffy is openly accusing Lil' Sniffs of losing the 2008 election, according to DWTS buddy Margaret Cho.

Now, of course this is just celebrity gossip, who knows if it's true. Kinda doubtful in my eyes (the blame '08 part, not the Bristol will resent her part.) Plus, Cho is Asian, so while talking about this she was probably trying to navigate a car from point A to point B without killing anybody or knocking over an entire building, so I'd take it with a grain of salt.

Tho I do give Cho credit for the correct line anybody would be thinking in her spot:
"I am proud of her for shaking her ass! But keep in mind there are other forces at work here and it’s not just for the love of dance," Cho continued, adding, "Now I am scared I am going to wake up with a decapitated moose head in my bed."

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