Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Sniffy the Second: Still Talking.

Christine O'Donnell in a speech last night:
“Today marks a lot of tragedy. … Tragedy comes in threes,” O’Donnell said. “Pearl Harbor, Elizabeth Edwards’s passing and Barack Obama’s announcement of extending the tax cuts, which is good, but also extending the unemployment benefits.” 
At first I was surprised that apparently Christine O'Donnell isn't aware that Pearl Harbor occurred 69 (heh heh heh) years ago, therein making it tuff to link together with the other two things (can I say "gee, Pompeii, the Titanic AND my high school girlfriend dumping me - that's just SOOO WEIRD!!!!!"?), but that was quickly pushed aside to wonder why the fuck anyone was showing up to listen to Christine O'Donnell giving a speech.

The world. A trippy place.

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