Monday, December 06, 2010

"Oh Dear Boy, You Don't Think You've Saved a Single Life, Do You?"

One of the best and the worst things about the internet is the instant knowledge. Hell, I'm the worst, I fucking Wikipedia everything, like an idiot.

Like I mentioned earlier, I've seen the Lennon doc Imagine a billion times, which includes his contentious interview with Gloria Emerson.

I vaguely knew who she was, and then flipping from the doc to Wikipedia I smugly assented to myself "yes, you know that she used to be a writer."

When I turned to her Wikipedia page I saw that she was born in 1929, so I braced myself, knowing the odds are that she's dead. But then I see this:
Emerson was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease in 2004. Unable to contemplate a future in which she could not write, Emerson committed suicide on August 3, 2004.
Fucking hell. How fucking depressing. Suicide? That's what's amazing about film - at no point while she's slapping around John would it even occur to anyone "in 33 years, you will kill yourself." And yet she did. She's forever remembered in this alive, incredible footage, and yet she committed suicide. Incredible.

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