Wednesday, December 01, 2010

This One is Tough to Figure Out.

Senate Republicans are now holding the Senate hostage until wealthy people get their tax cuts. Awesome. The timing couldn't be better - nice of them to wait until 11 hours after they let unemployment benefits for those who need it most expire, no? But, again, if the Democrats can't paint a fairly black and white picture about the disparity this causes and the fiscal hypocrite, I don't know what to tell them. You can't really argue compassion or morality, but the incompetence is draining.

But of course, the best part is it's not even like they're pledging to sign off on the DADT repeal, DREAM ACT and START if Obama says fuck it and lets the tax cuts continue. We KNOW how this will play out, right?

Obama: okay, I've let the tax cuts continue. Now you'll give me START/DREAM/unemployemnt benefits, right?
GOP: nope.

(end scene)

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