Wednesday, December 22, 2010


I don't really understand why anyone would wanna go see the new TRON flick. I mean, when the original came out, computers were still mysterious, scary things - watching a movie about them would be great for people who like watching fantasy or sci-fi movies, or computer geeks interested in the (possible) inner workings of computers themselves.

But today, computers are ubiquitous and hardly a mystery. They're not "future machines" that make us think of Star Wars, they're things that kinda look like a tv with a typewriter that we spend hours typing shit into and posting pictures or planning our schedules or watching two girls piss into a cup and drink it. 99% of people using a computer every day couldn't give two shits about how a computer works on the inside any more than they do about what happens when they turn the keys in the ignition of their cars.

So unless Olivia Wilde's nerd suit tears and we see her bits and bytes, I fail to see who is itching to see such a flick in 2010.

But hey, what do I know?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fair point. I think it has to do with the fact that the original Tron, great idea though it was, was at best an average film. So the temptation is always there to remake what was a great idea, but mediocre execution.

Beware of the inevitable remake of St Elmo's Fire- another great premise, but an over the top and absurd film.