Wednesday, December 15, 2010


I think we need to stop being children, and recognize that most of what makes America great is in the cities. I know that pretending we're a warm, fuzzy country that keeps apple pies on window sills about to get eaten by Yogi Bear is important to us because we insist on being children, but the fact is that great progress is made in the cities, and nowhere else.

I think we need to accept the fact that "America" is basically "New York + LA", and go from there. You being a pigfucker form Asshat, MO means nothing. It really doesn't. The guy that invented the iPad? One of a team from one of the biggest corporations in the world. IE, not you. He'll make a billion dollars this year, while laughing at you. Wow, you live in the woods? Awesome!

Name the last idea that didn't involve a guy moving to the city. Even Jesus went to Galilee.

Quit being willfully ignorant.  Christ, are we all watching Little House on the Prairie?  If you're like me, you're stupid enough without trying.

You Tea Party idiots that fetishize Wall you understand what city it's in? Do you think it's in a barn? Do you think these people would even talk to you?


Resolution for 2011 - it's time for cities to stop apologizing, to stop pretending "gee, we're not small towns, we're not America" when it turns out the fucking cities ARE what's best about America. In every way. New York City IS America.

Small towns as "America!" are like crystal meth: attractive, but poison. Also, those are the towns packed with crystal meth. And fucking idiots.

Grow up, get a sack, and run with the big dogs.

Otherwise, shut the fuck up. We're happy to carry you, but seriously, shut the fuck up. You are at the kiddie table. America is run by cities, aka "The Adults."  Cry all you want "real America," but you've been sucking off the teat for an incredibly long time, so maybe you should shut the fuck up and try to learn something?

The City. That is America.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for that.

I've been kind of pissed off lately about the idiots talking about real America. It may be because we've moved to Texas and it sucks here, pretty high density of idiocy. Rush Limbaugh playing at the post office, because you know how he loves him some federal workers.

That palin idiot is from meth-central in Alaska. Small towns? No thank you.

Anonymous said...

Enough kowtowing to these willfully ignorant, fat-ass country fucks. The flyover blob mob has inbred itself into a mutant race of giant, greedy, racist infants. Human locusts.

The Gnat said...

So many examples of reasons to hate you cityfolk and self-obsessed NYCers. . . it's mindboggling.

Xmastime said...

I cant say Anons commemt makes me happy (nor my pigfucker line, no matter how funny pigfucker is.) the point is theres great people everywhere and theres assholes everywhere, and fetishing small towns as righteous and big cities as evil is no better than calling tea partiers pig fuckers or voting Eli Manning president. 4 instance, im typing this on a Chinatown bus that can take me to Sydney Australia for $6. THATS America! :)

Mr. Park said...

brotha' man, I've been mulling this post of yours for several days. Having moved to one of the smallest towns I've ever known (pop. 742?)
I've come to appreciate life in a small town. There are many, many detractors of course, I think that goes without saying. Convenience, innovation, 'a pulse' of something greater than myself, and being in the heart of a nation that people flock too are just a few of the things I miss.
NPR recently aired a piece about companies vs. cities, noting that the former can die while the latter survives all things. I'm living the experience of seeing a future that is a question mark, but I'm absolutely aware that this is due to the novelty and ignorance I bring to living in a small town. There are generations here, as opposed to the transience of the population in NYC. I feel that my small town, and the neighboring one that I work in now is somehow "dying." I can't do anything about it. I think that needs to be romanticized in some way. It's not perfect here in small town America and it certainly isn't the thriving cultural center that I left but OH Man does it wake one up to the fact that the country ignores/forgot/doesn't give a rat's a-- about how the "other half" live.
I miss my homecity. I've grown up in "THE City" all my life I thought that there was something missing, and what was missing is exactly what can still be found in the small towns. Yer right Xmas, big cities is where it happens, but once it's done, all those kids who flocked to the cities from small towns all go back home and grumble about how the city 'chews people up and spits them out.' So go on, rail all you want, but there is a desperate need to continue to talk about small town America just as there is a need to talk about the many other issues that this country struggles with.

I miss you man.

Xmastime said...

Dearest "Mr. Park":

you kind of made my point - small towns are great to come from and go to, but the cities are where things actually "happen."

hey, i grew up in a tiny town. i spent 25 years in small town usa. ill probably go back to one when im old (ie, Tuesday.) i know there's great people and assholes in big cities, just like there's great people and assholes in small towns. my beef is the more-pronounced-now-than-ever memé that only small town USA is "real" America, and the cities are rat-infested Marxists, along with the idea that somehow these people are "overlooked" and "unrepresented," when in fact the ratio of people to representation is rather staggering in comparison to that of cities. Gun control is off the table and if I bring it up baby Jesus will kick me in the nuts with a bald eagle, yet somehow rapid transit can't happen because people who will never see it are abhorred at sharing an idea with, say, France (other than kissing. well, and fries.)

much like people curled up in the fetal position scared no one's listening to them re: taxes, theyre VERY well accounted for in Washington, particularly during an election season now that candidates have to pretend theyve never seen a sidewalk in their lives and spend their days whittling on the porch drinking maple syrup water. its a dog and pony show that, frankly, small town usa should be more offended at than I am.

Small towns are like "independent voters," constantly demanding their bellies be scratched and told how important they are for no real reason other than existing. Refuckinglax is all Im saying.

Small towns are "real" America. Cities are "real" America. Anything else is just garbage.

Also - me and Op are at the Idiot, where the fuck are you?!?!?!? :)