Wednesday, December 22, 2010


The dudes over at Sully have been spending some time over what people think certain jobs are worth, including HERE:
As in the locksmith case, what matters is not how skilled I am or how much effort I've exerted, but how difficult the customer thinks my task is. Just this morning, I met with a customer whose new site I am building. I showed her some screenshots of a site that, altogether, took me only a few hours to build. But because she thought it took me much longer to do it, she was much more pleased with my work than she had any right to be.

This cracks me up because it reminds me of a while back when me and some of the fellas did a "Man with Van" thing for a summer. Moving dudes was miserable - they'd stuff one box full of every shitty cd they owned until it was 9000 lbs and then not bother tipping or even thanking you. Meanwhile, girls would pack a box a quarter full, and then stand around being amazed one of us could carry it ourselves. "No no, wait for someone to help you!" they'd squeal as I'd lift a 7-lb box up with my nuts. They were awesome to work for because they'd tip like crazy and spend all day in utter bafflement that a mere human could lift her box of stuffed animals and scarves. Since then, I've always sworn that if we do it again, we're only moving chicks  :)

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