Friday, December 24, 2010

Xmastime Regrets.

In the summer of 2009 I went to the beach in NC with Op, Mamalizza, Big Bear, and Whatsherface (I love that riff!!!!  ...  okay, Cherry Bomb  ;)  ), and at the halfway point driving down we stopped at a hotel for the night. There were two queen-sized beds, and while Big Bear was supposed to bunk with me so as to set up a night of farts, armpit farts and dutch ovens, and then more armpit farts, he ended up sleeping with his parents and sister all in one bed, leaving me all by myself in my own huge bed.

I should've called in a call girl. Or, at the very least, staged a fake argument at the door: "What? $175 for half an hour? How bout $50 for 15 minutes? Oh, COME on sweetheart, you're out of your mind!!!!!!" 



mamalizza said...

what do you mean should have? don't you remember? you did do that asshole! my kids still talk about that lady with the skirt like a shirt.

fucking black-out king.

(gonna be a loooong christmas eve;)

Xmastime said...

say, when can you start f*cking drinking? :)

skirt like a shirt!