Thursday, January 13, 2011


I'm on Day 12 of no drinking and, I gotta say, 12 days is a long fucking time.  I don't mean that in a "man, I need a drink!!" way, I mean it in a "gee, when you're around for all of it, 12 days really lasts a long fucking time" kind of way. 

I think I've found the fountain of youth. It's like the old "where would you go if you had a day to live? (insert small town here), because a day seems like a year there" riff. Interesting.

Now if my 90 year-old man joints would actually clear up, I could actually be productive. Grrr.


Unknown said...

Have you reread Catch-22 lately? I'm pretty sure it was Dunbar who was trying to live forever by making the days seem interminable. That book is a goddamn masterpiece. Top 3 of the 20th Century.

Xmastime said...

never have, but its on my list :)