Monday, January 03, 2011

The Apocalypse. It's Happening.

It's really starting to sink in now that Sandra Lee is our state's First Lady. What the fuck. Has there been a more worthless woman with a more meaningless job since Sandra Lee started hosting a "cooking" show?

Anthony Bourdain:
She makes her audience feel good about themselves. You watch her on that show and you think, "I can do that. That's not intimidating." All you have to do is waddle into the kitchen, open a can of crap and spread it on some other crap that you bought at the supermarket. And then you've done something really special. The most terrifying thing I've seen is her making a Kwanzaa cake. Watch that clip and tell me your eyeballs don't burst into flames. It's a war crime on television. You'll scream.

1 comment:

The Gnat said...

That Kwanzaa cake was great TV. A true trainwreck.