Friday, January 28, 2011

Bachmann. Still Giving.

Crazy Bachmann thinks the way to save money is cutting veteran's benefits, which isn't making her too popular with the troops.

On one hand, I admire Bachmann's balls re: actually putting any $$$ involved with defense on the table worth cutting.

On the other hand, I'm guessing that if we stopped sending these people off to wars that are completely unnecessary  somewhat questionable in the first place, we'd save a shitload of money.  After all, the odds of some guy getting shot at and then losing his legs and his mind seem to be much greater during times of, you know, war.

But if you wanna dress up and play war and use real people, you gotta pony up the dough.

I look forward to Bachmann's I'M FOR THE WAR, BUT AGAINST THE TROOPS! bumper stickers to make the rounds; the GOP version of "I'm not spiritual, but I'm very religious," right?

But then, I have no idea why some squirrels are brown and some are grey, so what the fuck do I know?

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