Sunday, January 30, 2011

Boehner Crying

People need to stop giving John Boehner a hard time because he bubbled up on camera once or twice recently. Who gives a shit? Boehner must be tickled pink that this is what we're concerned about, since it distracts us from the fact that yes, as a young boy he swept up his father's bar or some shit, but as a man he would've sold his father's crappy bar down the river for a goddam nickel.

John Boehner is a piece of shit shill for billionaires. That's it. He is nothing more, nothing less. To sit around and make fun of how much he pretends to cry not only humanizes him, but distracts us from remembering that he would bend each and every one of us over for one of his rich "friends."

So quit it with the Boehner crying jokes. Each one you make, he wins.

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