Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Burden of National Responsibility

This chick HERE is getting a lot of shit for her claim that Chinese mothers are better than their Western counterparts, mostly because they're not complete pussies. And in my eyes, she's probably right - most parents my age are complete softies with their kids, never missing an opportunity to have a slow-clap every time the kid doesn't burn the house down.  The kid decides what's for dinner, what's on tv, etc etc. And I can talk tough, but for me to say I'd be any different if I had kids would probably be bullshit.

But as I wrote HERE, that's probably the way it's naturally progressed from each generation anyway.  Does this mean our kids are gonna be in for a shock when they come up against kids who weren't raised thinking they're heroes simply for existing? Maybe, who the hell knows; but it's been a coupla years now that we've been noticing that "Generation Y" doesn't seem to mind their "helicopter parents" holding their hands when they enter the workforce; something I'm guessing Mrs. Chinese Badass would sneer at.

Of course, what's missing from this whole debate is the fact that, judging from the picture in the WSJ, she looks like a pretty sweet piece of ass. And obviously she's not getting laid, so she's taking it out on her kids, which in turn propels them to outperform their American counterparts. So yes, what you're thinking is correct: it is my patriotic duty to track this lady down and lay some pipe.  She'll chill the fuck out, and eventually I will have banged her into numbing submission, leading to her kids becoming lazy-ass pussies just like American kids.

Competition? Eliminated.

America? You're welcome.

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