Monday, January 10, 2011

Calm the Fuck Down, People

Since I posted THIS HERE a little while ago, Xmastime fans have been writing in, upset by my listing Club Can't Handle Me as my "get up and go!" slice and omitting any mention of  The Black Eyed Peas' I've Got a Feeling.  Seriously, I'm really trying to restrain myself from being an asshole here, but EVERYONE knows that the former is my "let's attack the day!" song and the latter my "primping for a night out clubbin'!" song. Yes, I fist-pump to both, but the fist-pumping to the Peas' song is accompanied by spray-tanning and collar-popping. So calm the fuck down, and learn how to READ words that I've already typed, people. Please.

On a side note, it occurs to me that Fergie's part isn't reprised later on in the song. Yes, Fergie is usually worthless for anything other than rubbing her hindquarters on a car windshield for cash, but she nails it there, and you'd think they'd bring it back. Maybe it's like The Beatles' decision while recording No Reply to not repeat the middle 8, which, in a canon filled with some of the greatest middle 8s ever, is generally thought to be the best of the best.  It's SO good, they don't repeat it?

And just to add another layer to this cake I'm baking, one of the last songs The Beatles ever released was I've Got a Feeling. INteresting, no?

Actually, the reason the Beatles didn't have the middle 8 twice is that it simply made the song too long:
At approximately 8:30 pm, the group spent the rest of the two hour session beginning and finishing "No Reply."  They recorded all the instruments, including George Martin on piano, live on each take along with John and Paul's vocals.  They realized that the bridge was a powerful focal point in the song, so they attempted to repeat the bridge and final verse on take five, which extended the song from 2:14 to 3:17.  After deciding that this was a little much, they went back to ending the song after the third verse.  Both John and Paul overdubbed their vocals onto take 8, which was deemed "best."

I first read that 15 years ago in the exhaustive Revolution in the Head, but it's never been until this morning that I've heard a version with the two middle 8s (bridges.) YouTube really IS amazing!!!

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