Monday, January 10, 2011

Catfight Launched!

I was excited to find Britney's first single since being usurped by a much younger Miley Cyrus for the #1 Mrs. Xmastime slot - I reveled in seeing how Brit Brit met this new challenge, expecting an aural mud-wrestling match, complete with teeth-shredded thongs and hair extensions being pulled out. In other words - nom nom nom!!

But after one listen, all I can think of is that the chorus is a BIT too much like my #1 clubbin' slice.  Wtf?  On one hand, I'm flattered, since obviously she had read that post and only wished to please me, which is most admirable.  But when challenged by the young chickadees, Brit Brit's gotta show a little more originality, no? The LAST thing she'd wanna remind me of is being older, recycled, non-fresh.

Disappointing opening salvo. Britney, you're better than that. Get in some chaps, shoot a sex tape, and get back on that horse!

On a side note, Club Can't Handle Me really should be my "jump out of bed!" alarm every morning, shouldn't it? I mean, really - how do I not come charging outta the sack poppin' to that cut, fist-pumping at the ceiling like I'm on th Shore, ready to greet the day? Shouldn't it, dare I suggest, replace the theme from Rocky for that job?

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