Sunday, January 02, 2011

Chris Christie is a Complete Shithead.

Matt Yglesias probably says it best about New Jersey's stupid, fatass governor's performance after getting busted for rubbing suntan oil over his Lt. Governor's back instead of being around for the 5th-biggest blizzard in NJ history:
The decent response to a small-but-real error is just to apologize and move on but Christie’s managed to turn an asshole persona into national YouTube stardom so I guess he thinks it’s best to act like a jerk.
But what rankles me even more is his stupid fucking "explanation" in the first place:

“My first and most important responsibility, in my view, is as a husband and a father.”
This is what happens now that we are a nation that demands our leaders treat us like fucking babies. Instead of trying to be a competent governor with some sense of responsibility, Christie knows he can get one over on us by wrapping us up in warm, fuzzy bunny slippers and picture of puppies kissing rainbows.  There's nothing that can't be easily combed over by "hey, I love my wife and kids!!!!" as if that means jackshit to anybody. Do doctors do this? "Sure I amputated the wrong leg, but I'm so nice to my kids!" Of course not. Sarah Palin has built a polticial machine around the idea that she'd rather her kids not getten eaten alive by a bear, which she views as wondrously unique enough to be given the keys to the national Family Truckster. Hey, George Bush was the worst president ever, but we all feel good about him because hey, he would never cheat on Laura the way that scumbag Bill Clinton cheated on his wife!!

If I'm a resident of NJ, I could give two shits about what kind of husband or father Rex Ryan Fatass Christie is. He wasn't elected to be nice to his kids, he was elected to not be a fucking retard when state-wide emergencies his NJ, and he certainly wasn't elected to double down on incompetence by piling stupid comment on top of stupid comment afterwards.  Fucking jackass.

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