Monday, January 24, 2011


I don't wanna pound on the Jets too much here today. Hey, I give them a lot of credit for making it to the AFC Championship Game for the second straight year - a lot of people have always used the Bills as a punchline for losing 4 Super Bowls, but I will never be one of them; I'd rather lose the Super Bowl every year than never go to one. The Jets and their fans are complete jackoffs who can't shut their fucking mouths and therein render whatever they say meaningless, but you can't say they're quitters.


For all of Rex' bluster about his defense, was there anybody on the planet that was surprised that the Steelers converted that final 3rd down?   When all was said and done, it was the Jets defense, JUST LIKE THEY HAD ALL SEASON, that gave up the play that lost the game.  Rex' pride and joy were the ones that ended their season, not Sanchez & Co.

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