Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Goals. They're Important.

I should be meaner to little kids on the train. There was one across from me today, probably about 3 years old,  and of course I started goofing around, making faces or whatever, and he'd laugh and goof right back. But this must happen all the time with the kid. And every kid. I think it'd be much more interesting to him, and make me stand out a little more, if every time his mother looked away I'd make scary, threatening faces at him, complete with gestures like I was shooting him, or slashing his throat. Then when his mom turns back, I turn back into Mr. Happy Sweetheart Guy. Right? How much fun would that be?

1 comment:

mamalizza said...

my godmother used to do that to me all the time. she'd snarl and make angry faces when no one was looking. i loved it. god bless her.