Friday, January 28, 2011

The Gout. A New Low.

This morning at the GWB Bridge waiting for the bus, I was limping so badly that a fucking cop pulled me aside and started interrogating me, thinking I was drunk. When he realized that wasn't so, he started asking me if I had done any drugs, or had I stopped in over at (name of whatever drug haven close by is that I guess people go buy drugs.) He kept hounding me for about 5-7 minutes.  In his defense, I can't really blame him - I haven't slept in 2 or 3 days because of the pain and have popped probably way too much Aleve, so I'm sure I looked kinda crazy.

But upon finally letting me go, was it really necessary for him to say "you should get a new winter coat."? I mean, wtf? Now he's gotta try to hurt my feelings?


Gina said...

Xmastime said...

thanks for the tip, i might actually spring for that one :)