Saturday, January 15, 2011

Guns and Poses

The problem with the gun crowd is that they refuse to accept anything less that full capitulation. It's not enough to be able to keep a gun in the house "to protect my family"; they demand to be allowed to have a stockpile of unregistered automatic assault flame-throwing rifles that can squeeze off 270 rounds of arsenic-tipped bullets every minute. You know, just like the founding fathers intended.

Anything less, of course, means an infringement on their rights, and one more victory for the evil forces of tyranny. To be honest, I'm surprised these pussies are so easy-going about other areas of their lives - after all, why not threaten to overthrow the government unless you're allowed to drive a uranium-powered car 455mph while guzzling a growler of vodka?  Otherwise, the whole frenzy over guns really does start to seem like a tiny dick thing. I'm just saying.


Kiko Jones said...

The first paragraph of this post may be the best thing you've committed to the interweb, my friend. Seriously.

Anonymous said...

Two-lane dirt roads are more exciting with Wild Turkey than vodka.