Thursday, January 20, 2011

Here We Go

Apparently right-wing bloggers are pissed at "Conservative" Hero Rex Ryan  Chris Christie for appointing Osama Bin Laden to the New Jersey Supreme Court, or some shit like that.

I don't really know or care what the deal is, other than to say that much like the left constantly setting up Sarah Palin to play the Victim Game that she's so adept at, they're giving Christie exactly what he wants: a reason to blow up and have a tirade on camera.  Christie's not interested in anything as much as he is in being a folk hero asshole on YouTube, so he must be licking his big fat hog jowls over this one.  And it will be pretty fun to watch!  Maybe he can rip off his sportcoat in a fury, revealing some Norm Peterson-esque pit stains?  (Maybe he can remind us what a great father/husband he is?)

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