Monday, January 31, 2011

Life. It's Sometimes Confusing.

It goes without saying that School Ties is one of the greatest "Jew who inexplicably plays football is a ringer at a fancy-schmancy private school starring Ben Affleck" movies of all time.  But couldn't the entire drama of the final 30 minutes, when they try to frame Jewsy McJewserson, have been handled in the 6 seconds it would've taken the old fuck teacher Mr. Gearson to say "Mr. Damon, I believe you dropped your cheat sheet"?  I mean, the fucker stood there watching the whole thing; we know this because as he's looking at Damon and the other kid's horseplay he was licking his chops at their young, lithe bodies like Sylvester looks at Tweety Bird. I mean, wtf?

1 comment:

Kiko Jones said...

That flick is like The Outsiders of that crop.