Sunday, January 16, 2011


Moi truly HERE:
I’m putting it in black and white right here: not now, nor will I ever proclaim that I want people having a good time at my funeral. Therefore the first fuckwad that says “Hey, Xmastime would want us to have fun” gets a boot heel to the throat. This I promise.), including jobs like making sure all my past lovers are seated together so that they can try to out-grieve each other and scoring the “What Xmastime Meant to Me” essays. So be on the lookout for this site in the near future. Also, I’m putting this down in black & white too: not now, nor will I ever proclaim that I want my wife to get remarried. If she starts throwing out that garbage “Oh Xmastime would want me to move on and be happy” SHE’S LYING!! DON’T BELIEVE HER!!! I’m looking to assign someone the job of making sure she visits the cemetery at least once a week and hurls herself on my grave wailing uncontrollably for an hour or so. Let me know who’s up for that one.
In other words, she better be like THIS.

Just like in the boudoir, all I'm ever gonna ask her to do is be as good as a dog. Is that really too much to freaking ask?


Anonymous said...

she'll love this post.

Anonymous said...

It's cool how your blog's very tiny fonts limit your audience to people who are under 40. Well, and to people who sit with their face touching the monitor.

Anonymous said...

ctrl +, for the old eye or those too lazy to don a pair of reading glasses!