Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Interesting note HERE from Jon Wurster about his brief career as Marah's drummer.

Much has been made about the curious way that Marah never became THE huge band they seemed destined to back in 2000 - including, according to Wurster, a Springsteen curse.

I don't know, but when it comes to that game it all seems kinda like a crapshoot.  If you have a ton of money and things align right you launch into another stratosphere of success, and if you don't then you don't. At least they're still making my favorite records and are still my favorite band. There's a lot of bands out there slogging it out that are just fucking terrible, and Marah isn't one of them. Of course their music deserves to be way more popular than Justin Bieber's, but if you try figure that shit out you'll drive yourself crazy.

I would like to see some more examples of this Boss Curse, tho.

Also, I love Float Away with the Friday Night Gods, so ffuuuuuuuck yeeeeeeeeeeeew!

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