Monday, January 03, 2011


I already knew Republicans were frenetic about blocking the progress of high-speed rail since it means we'd turn into France, but I must say it's to their credit that it comes to me as a surprise to find out they're not really interested in creating the private sector jobs they love to fetishize whenever they're running for office or painting those funny Obama-as-the-socialist-Joker from Batman posters (or, in some of the more impressive cases, both.) Such as the Ohio governor:
But Kasich undermined his rhetoric by killing Ohio’s high-speed rail project. In doing so, he derailed many businesses’ economic development plans and effectively killed the private-sector jobs he promised to create, leaving one businessman to call his decision “unbelievable,” “mind-boggling,” and “naive”:
Locally, certain not to happen is construction of a $15 million facility planned for Columbus by US Railcar Co. The plant would have employed up to 200 when fully staffed, said Mike Pracht, president and chief executive officer of the Columbus-based railroad-car manufacturer.
“It’s unbelievable these states would send back $400 million and $800 million in free money,” Pracht said. “It’s mind-boggling.”
“The only thing I can compare it to is the interstate-highway program back in the ’60s. Where would Ohio be today if it opted out of the interstate highway system? To suggest passenger rail would be any different is naive.”
Pracht said that in addition to the jobs his company would have added, abandoning the rail plan negates millions of dollars in potential development that would have clustered around each rail station along the 258-mile route.
Ah yes, the latest assembly line cookie-cutter GOP governor looking to make some sort of national splash by preening around as a tax/spending cutter no matter how much damage it does to his own state. And why not? Stupid people fall for this shit.

Hey, I can be incredibly irresponsible. I can retard progress as much as the next guy; I can ruin other people's bank accounts. Don't let my getting a 98 on my first book test in the 8th grade* fool you: given the chance, I can drive an entire state straight into the shitter too. Can I be governor?

* A Day No Pigs Would Die, bitches!

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