Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Oh, Rush!

Rush Limoharethosecurlyfries?canyoudiptheminnachocheeseanddeepfrythemagain?burger is somehow decreeing the NFL moving a game as the official "Chickification of America."  There are a loft of ways to go about calling America out on getting soft, but I don't really see how bringing in the Donner Party helps make his case here:
"If you read from the diaries that were kept by members of the Donner Party, you know what you find as a reference to the weather?  One, "It was an unusually cold winter."  There wasn't any complaining. There wasn't any whining.  There wasn't any moaning.  It's just what it was.  These are pioneers.  What would the Donner Party think if they knew that we were canceling a football game because of a forecast?"
Perhaps they'd think "gee, those guys are incredibly lucky - if we were privy to such forecasts maybe we wouldn't have wandered into, of all places, the Sierra Nevadas in the dead of winter."  I didn't personally know the Donner Party, but I'm guessing they would've preferred "being slightly embarrassed about their manhood until about 5 minutes later when nobody will ever remember or care" to "eating each other."

But hey, that's me.

On a side note, how long do you think Fatboy's carcass could've kept them alive? Year, two years?

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