Thursday, January 13, 2011

One Thing I Didn't Know Before Five Minutes Ago

I never really thought about it, but I guess I always assumed Murgatroyd was some imaginary planet or some shit, but it's not:
Murgatroyd is a surname. Its etymology, according to one source, is as follows: In 1371, a constable was appointed for the district of Warley in Yorkshire. He adopted the name of Johanus de Morgateroyde, or literally: John of Moor Gate Royde or the district leading to the moor. Another source says the place name means Margaret's road. 
Ya'll know my guy is Snagglepuss (the Paul Lynde of the Hanna-Barbara set) - my big dream is still to recreate the Dating Game with his voice.

Here's an old demo. A digital film, even!

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