Friday, January 28, 2011

A Sniffnut Moment

People with brains have been laughing their asses off  scratching their heads over Palin's absurd WTF "response" to Obama's Sputnik moment in the SOTU the other night, and of course, instead of just shutting the fuck up she's doubling down, and has scrambled the jets to find a cumpatriot to help blame it on the lamestream media:
Citing Wikipedia (what journalistic ingenuity!), Stromberg argues that actually the Soviet Union didn’t have a debt problem until some “thirty years after” Sputnik. Perhaps instead of relying on Wikipedia, Stromberg might have consulted Robert Gates’ book From the Shadows which chronicles, in part, his career as a Soviet analyst at the CIA.  (Just in case they are unaware at the Post, this is the same Robert Gates who is now the Secretary of Defense.)  On page 173, he accurately points out that the CIA knew early on of the “Soviet economic crisis.  From the late 1950s, CIA had clearly described the chronic weaknesses as well as the formidable military power of the Soviet Union.”
The point I believe I'm making that everyone else is thinking at this moment is: how does Sniffy square this thinking with her conviction that her "hero" Reagan singlehandedly brought the Soviet Union to it's knees? Wouldn't this make him irrelevant?  Is Jesus going to come strike her down now?

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