Friday, January 21, 2011

State of the Fucking Union Speech

First of all, I must say as I always have: I like the acronym SOTU, since glancing at it makes it look like STFU. Hmm. Irony.

Meanwhile, Yglesias wonders why there's a response to the State of the Union:
Is the SOTU response gig anything other than a quick way to trip up a rising star in one’s party? The Bobby Jindal experience is the most vivid cautionary tale, but he’s hardly alone. The vast majority of people given this task do a bad job of it. And even those who do well, like Jim Webb, don’t accrue much in the way of anything in the way of real benefit.
I would go one further, and wonder why the speech itself must go on. I can understand in the olden days when the president was rarely seen, but today, the president is yammering away on camera 24/7.  People can look at any one of about a zillion websites or tv channels to see how things are cracking along. And the speech itself is the same shit every year anyway, a quasi-victory lap for the president to raise his voice that "the Union is STRONG!!' and pat himself on the back for a bunch of shit while the opposition that's present tries to look as unimpressed as possible. Who gives a shit?

But Yglesias is right about the stupid response nonsense, as I wrote a year ago:
When did these things even start? Let the president have his night, and shut the fuck up - hey, maybe at the next wedding you go to you should take the altar after the ceremony and demand that the bride and groom don't belong together, or that YOU love YOUR spouse more and are a better couple? Who gives a shit? Let him play dress-up, say some nice words and hope that people forget the shit asap. Which, if you don't say a bunch of stupid stuff afterwards, they will.

I mean, I'm a pretty big fan of Obama's but I couldn't tell you a single thing he said from last year's "Address to Congress" speech if you held a gun to my head. Meanwhile, I can picture Bobby the Frog coming out of the Usher House cobwebs clear as a bell, and still crack up at how he at that moment buried his national political hopes.

They should drop this whole "response" crap, show the opposition party at a Hooters or something. "Oh, the president's on? Sorry, tonight is BH 90210 marathon night - ooooh, I fucking HATE Ray!!!!!"
You can't win with these stupid things, you can only screw yourself, so why bother? At least have some fun, have Lady Gaga do the response or some shit. Hell, have one of those Close Captioned sign language people do it.

Of course, I still have one dream. Dare I jinx it by showing you?

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