Monday, January 17, 2011

The Stupid Goddam Awards Shows

I see Hollywood is upset about Ricky Gervais saying some mean things at their latest Jackoff Event, The Golden Globes. Which is totally fucking ridiculous. First of all, Ricky Gervais is a comedian who's pretty well-known for being a bit of a smarmy asshole, so of course he's gonna be saying the same shit you or I would: John Travolta's a fag, and nobody really understands why we're forced to endure Charlie Sheen. Either way, who really gives a shit.

But even more importantly, it's not as if this is some event put on by a groundswell of support from the fans who wanna show actors in Hollywood how important they are to us.  Just like the Oscars, and whatever other worthless events this people set up for themselves, it's yet another night of silly people patting themselves on the backs for making billions of dollars doing what they're told being shoved down our fucking throats. I'd guess 5% of people watching wanna see the dresses, 5% actually give two shits about who wins, and the other 90% are like me: they wanna see either a fistfight break out or a huge bag of fucking king cobras released into the room with the doors locked. In the meantime, we're very happy to have someone, ANYONE, point out during the proceedings what a useless, asshole thing the entire night actually is, and if that's the price these jerkoffs need to pay to spend yet another coupla hours collecting gift bags while telling each other they're God's gift to the planet, then they simply need to shut the fuck up and take it.

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