Thursday, January 13, 2011

There's a Joke Here Somehwere, And It's On Me

Interesting note HERE about Bruce "The Boss" Springsteen's big hit Dancing in the Dark, including about a dozen cover versions (Ted Leo, The Shadows, and my old Disney squad The Naked Brothers Band who featured TWO Mrs. Xmastime Junior Division Candidates!!!) DITD has always been an Xmastime super-slice, so it's great to see it get some random props.  I think over the years it's been revealed to be a song, much like Born in the USA, that was massively misunderstood thanks to the music not reflecting the dour tone of the words, and is now picking up some steam by the new slew (I'm a poet, and don't I seem to be aware of it!) of bands that unabashedly love The Boss and aren't trapped forever by the image of his incredibly awful dancing/lip syncing. It's also a  fun, rocking song to cover, so simple it's hard to really fuck up. Although I'm sure Hayday did when they rocked Freddy's back in the '02; but, if I recall correctly, and I think I do, I personally was fucking amazing. But you probably already knew that.

Here's Bruce calling his mother (whom I've met, is that a big deal?) onstage to play the Courtney Cox part from the video (which was, I must say, the most embarrassing video of all time.)


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