Saturday, January 08, 2011

This Seems Sincere

From Jesse Kelly (and I don't mean Spano/Kapowski, unfortunately) who lost the Congressional race to Gabrielle Giffords:

We should all join in prayer for the victims and their families

In the wake of today's stunning tragedy in Tucson, my prayers are with Rep. Giffords, her husband Mark and the rest of her family. May God’s strength comfort her as we pray together for her recovery. We mourn for those who lost their lives in this horrible act.
Senseless acts of violence such as this have absolutely no place in American politics.
Poor guy. They must be really close? I hope he's okay  :(

On a side note, I think I know why he lost the race: poor time management. You can't book a breakfast AND a meeting with speakers at the same time. Camon, man!

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