Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Titties? Love' em.

Republicans triumphantly announced that they had been chosen by the people to make sure the rich don't get taxed on their $crillah and can splash around in their gold dubloons like Scrooge McDuck, bomb the fuck out of Iran or whatever other country it can get it's mitts on, and strip down (heh heh heh) Medicare.

And yet polling shows the complete opposite. People wanna tax the rich. And if we gotta start cutting the $crillah, they wanna start with our military, whose budget is the sum total of every piece of currency ever produced on earth times 6, of course not including any costs for the two wars we're simultaneously running despite the fact that nobody really gives a shit about them and they haven't really made us any safer than we were ten years before. And what they DON'T wanna start cutting is, ta-da, Medicare. So it's not even as if you can close one eye and cock your head and think "well...it's KIND of what 'the people are saying...", it's in fact the EXACT OPPOSITE of what "the people are saying."

I guess my point is this: how did Obama hack into Yahoo.com to place this false polling? Is the white half of him a computer nerd capable of hacking even the most secure of internet sites? His black half is a Socialist, voodoo-preaching priest of tyranny that hypnotizes us with his huge cock, so that can't be it.  Unless...our president is...THIS GUY?  Nooooooooo!!!!

But seriously folks, you asked for it you got it:

1) Left
2) Right
3) Right
    Left (tie)
4) Right
5) Left

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