Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Today's Speeches: Palin 1, Obama 0

Obama kept looking like he was gonna start bubbling up talking about that little girl. Meanwhile, Palin pissed off an entire race without even trying. I mean, camon. One is checkers, the other is chess, son.  In the words of Xmastime Hall of Famer Paul Lynde: "take a lesson."


Marley said...

You don't do nuance, I know, especially as to your large breasted nemesis in all things, but I read this elsewhere and it short enough that perhaps, just perhaps, it may strike a chord:

MEDIA: Sarah Palin directly and knowingly caused the murders of six innocent human beings.

PALIN: No, I didn't.

MEDIA: Stop making it all about you!!! This is about the people who were shot!!!

Xmastime said...

well, obviously Palin's the victim here, and as usual it's the LSM's fault. I don't think anybody's disputing that.