Tuesday, January 25, 2011


This video for Tim Pawlenty has been making the rounds this morning, and everybody is either greatly impressed or mildly annoyed at the bombastic production. But of course, one thing I’ve noticed is that nobody’s talking about Tim Pawlenty. Because it's pretty impossible to do. He seems like a nice enough guy, although I've noticed in making his rounds to pimp his book Courage to Stand, Despite Being Born a White Man in Minnesota and Becoming the Governor, he's tried to become appealing to stupid people by inferring that "tyranny" is creeping into the country thanks to Obama, and that's why the unemployment rate is so high.

But even when he's saying stupid shit, it's impossible to get worked up about him because he'd lose a personality contest to white toast. For all we know, Pawlenty DOES have the answers to all of our problems, but nobody wants to hear it from him, because we'd fall the fuck asleep. He's about as inconsequential as it comes, which is why this big, epic trailer for his book makes sense.  It's the tiny-dicked guy with the huge rifle shouting "look at me!  look at me!" while we all gently pat him on the head and ignore him.

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