Wednesday, January 26, 2011

True Lies Too

True Lies is about as stupid a movie as someone can possibly make (not Independence Day stupid, but that's not really fair.) But I always thought Tom Arnold and Ahhhnold were pretty funny together, so now that he's done ruling California, they should do a sequel.

Here's the two of them in a typical buddy-movie moment, having some laughs while saving the world.


Kiko Jones said...

Jamie Lee Curtis let Arsenio touch her boob while a guest on his show. He said he'd let that hand rot or words to that effect. Your pic reminded me of why he made a big deal about it.

The Gnat said...

One of the hottest non-nudity scenes in all movies. And yes, TOm Arnold is funny.

ereiberg said...

Pffft, how is this hot? You can't even see her penis.