Wednesday, January 05, 2011


Apparently some faggie Bristish study on childhood autism (is there another knid?) was all a bunch of horsehockey:
A now-retracted British study that linked autism to childhood vaccines was an "elaborate fraud" that has done long-lasting damage to public health, a leading medical publication reported Wednesday.
I have no idea what the study was, and if you think I'm actually reading this article you're out of your goddam mind. Hell, if I'd have been forced to read past the first paragraph to get the quote, this post wouldn't be happening.

But I do know that whenever autism comes up, Jenny McCarthy starts showing up everywhere on my television. And I have no idea which side she's on and couldn't give any less of a shit, but this is what this delicious piece of ass looks like these days. And let me tell you something: you make her upset, you've made me upset, which is gonna be bad news for your face. That makeup is barely keeping her face together as it is, and adding wet, salty tears will completely fuck it up, which means she'll start to feel ugly and bloated, and then she'll start showing up on tv in fucking ponchos and track suits instead of this little I Dream of Jeannie as a Complete Slut wanna-be jizz rag.

So back the fuck off, motherfuckers.

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