Sunday, January 09, 2011

Watering Holes

When I first moved to NYC 13 years ago, every Saturday I'd open up the Daily News and say "hey, I should go on the NYC Literary Walking Tour", which was basically going to different bars famous authors had hung out in.  Of course I never went, cause I'm a fucking idiot, but at least I have been to the Whioe Horse, so.  Ah well.

On a side note, I wonder if writers can even hang out in bars anymore - no matter what time of the day, I can't seem to walk into one without the music being so fucking loud. Also, I wonder if The Turkey's Nest will be added to this slideshow once my masterpiece Leonard Leopard, Go West and Tag Some Ass, Young Man is published.

Anyhoo, here's the next best thing: a slideshow of literary watering holes.

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